Join the PTSA


Be Part of Our Student‑Centered Advocacy


Help PTSA Support Every Student to Have an Enriched Learning Experience



The PTSA is Able to Support Enhanced Student Experiences Through Volunteers Like You!


The PTSA is an Integral Part of Making The School Year Fun, Enriching, Safe and Inclusive For All Students and Their Families.


Volunteers Needed NOW!

The below information and link(s) are for upcoming events that we need help with. Click on each link for more information and please sign up for any and all events to make each event a success! We need your help!! All volunteers must be approved through the LWSD District. Apply HERE

Multicultural Night

The Sandburg/DCS community is excited to announce that we will be planning our second Multi-Cultural Night on Thursday, May 30 from 6:30-8:00pm.  If you are interested in participating please sign up below!

Our 2024-2025 PTSA Board of Directors slate is almost full!! We just need a few more positions to be complete. If you or someone you know is interested in any of the positions listed below, please reach out to


~Banking Treasurer

~Director of Family and Community Engagement (FACE)

Carl Sandburg DCS PTSA is accepting applications for our annual Alumni PTSA scholarship.

This scholarship will be awarded to one graduating senior from LWSD who attended Carl Sandburg Elementary School or Discovery Community School.

The purpose of this scholarship is to provide recognition of overall achievement and community service by awarding monetary assistance towards further education.

One, $500.00 scholarship is available. The scholarship is intended for the purchase of tuition, required textbooks, or room and board for on-campus housing. More information on eligibility criteria and how to apply can be found here (click the link for the Word Document).

The PTSA would like to show our teachers much love and support during Teacher Appreciate Week May 6 through May 10th. Sign up below to help provide lunch and/or send them cards to show our appreciation!

Help keep our school Green and free from herbicide! Join our Sustainability Team in Herbicide Free Weeding Events. All events are from 10am to 12pm. Gloves and tools are provided but feel free to bring your own!

Scheduled Weeding Events: 

Our Events

The PTSA organizes volunteer-led social events to grow a sense of community, build lasting friendships and create fun memories. We coordinate dozens of events per year, including welcome activities, art enrichment, 3rd-grade swim, 5th-grade outdoor education, a Book Rodeo and more!

Upcoming Events

6/9 @ 10-12pm -- Herbicide Free Weeding Event

6/14 -- Field Day during school hours

6/19 -- No School - Juneteenth

6/21 -- Last day of school - 11:40 Dismissal

5/9 @ 7pm -- General Membership Meeting in the Library and via Teams link:

Here is the link to the meeting on 5/9. The meeting was 3 hours long! It covered the PTSA agenda the first hour, followed by Ms. Bowser taking the floor for the last 2 hours. Ms. Bowser starts speaking at 1:09:07



Our grant application process is currently closed for the remainder of the 23-24 school year. Please look back next year for more opportunities for grants.


Making a Positive Impact on Student Learning

Sandburg & DCS PTSA in Kirkland, Washington is dedicated to building a more comfortable and inclusive learning environment for every student. We have formed the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) to carry out initiatives that help students learn new skills and develop friendships inside and outside of the classroom.


About the PTSA

We are a school-based organization providing supplemental funds to teachers and specialists for the classroom, library, PE, music and playground materials. Our association also contributes emergency preparedness equipment to the school and sponsors various before and after-school enrichment classes and clubs.

Carl Sandburg/DCS PTSA will strive to:
  1. Enhance the learning environment for all students.
  2. Be a relevant resource for families, teachers, staff and administration.
  3. Advocate for the education and well-being of every child.

Giving Exclusive Access to Members

When you join our organization, you can gain access to school and class directories as well as local, state and national PTA resources and discounts.

Show Your Support in Our Mission

We run a fundraising campaign to finance many of our programs. If you are interested in helping us with our goal, you can give monetary donations or support the services we offer.