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Book Rodeo Book Collection
We are collecting gently used books for our annual Book Rodeo. Books can be donated for "Book Bucks" that can be spent during the Book Rodeo in April (Date TBD).…
Lost and Found Donated
All Lost and Found items will be donated the last Friday of each month.
Mod Pizza Fundraiser
Order from MOD Pizza Totem Lake on Thursday, February 9th and SandburgDCS PTSA will receive funds from 20% of your purchase! Use code MODGIVES20 if ordering online or mention "Sandburg…
Snow Much Kindness event
Community event indoors at school.
Focus on Advocacy
Focus on Advocacy Day - In-Person in Olympia to meet with your legislators to learn about this year's priorities.
Outdoor Ed-Camp Seymour
5th grade and DCS Olders will be off-campus at Outdoor Ed-Camp Seymour
Lost and Found Donated
All Lost and Found items will be donated on the last Friday of each month.